UE4: Renaming and moving assets
January 13, 2019
We almost finished a reorganization of a project containing about 2000 uassets. Moving, renaming, removing unused ones, this kind of stuff. Few notes for memory.
- Backup intermediary results.
- When renaming stuff it’s better to run fixup redirectors time to time (often).
- When moving folders fixup redirectors is mandatory, moving twice or moving and renaming can break things.
- Some things are not properly marked dirty, so you have to save them even there is no little “*” on them. Composite textures are one of them. We ended up saving textures by hand every time.
- Also, better run a save on things you changed (right-click -> save) and recompile blueprints.
- There are mass renaming plugins on the marketplace, like MORT
- Bonus: windows command that recursively prints all file paths in a folder: dir /b /s /a:-D